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Practical Water Wisdom: A Virtual Learning Series ( Invasive Freshwater Jellyfish) w/Itasca Waters

Thursday, February 6 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm


Webinar Presented by: Dr. Beatrix Beisner, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Quebec at Montreal.

Many people have recently noticed small jellyfish floating around in summer in lakes. These are mostly a single invasive species known officially as Craspedacusta sowerbii or sometimes as the peach-blossom jellyfish. If you have seen them, you may think you are seeing things, but you probably aren’t. I will discuss some of the known history of this invasive species in North American lakes and why they are being noticed more often now. Scientists still have a lot to learn about these organisms, but we have some knowledge that I will discuss in this webinar. I will provide some insight into their life histories and ecology and how they might be affecting food webs in our lakes.

Follow link to register:  https://umn.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_uyNP43aIRoWKn-BPhxBQCw#/registration

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